Jumbo Santa beta

The free and easy way to create
gift exchanges

Jumbo Santa takes the effort out of setting up Secret Santa gift exchanges with your family, friends, and co-workers. Whether it's a cozy gathering of you and your closest friends or one with a hundred co-workers, Jumbo Santa has you covered.

  • No limit on the number of friends in a gift exchange
  • Automatically keep track of past match ups and avoid repeats when possible
  • Set exclusions to keep certain people in your group from drawing one another
  • Support for doing a redraw if necessary
  • Support for practice drawings
  • Invite friends to join through Facebook or email
  • Group invites allow you to send a shared link to large groups however you choose
  • Secret Santas are revealed only when you're ready to exchange gifts
  • MA Publishing Secret Santa 2009 13 gifts exchanged
  • and 3 others
  • AFC Exchange Gift 2010 14 gifts exchanged
  • and 7 others
  • Christmas Cocktail Caucus 13 gifts exchanged
  • and 3 others
  • Team 911 Gift Exchange 16 gifts exchanged
  • and 6 others
  • Augesen Secret Santa 2009 14 gifts exchanged
  • and 4 others
  • 2010 Austin Secret Santa 14 gifts exchanged
  • and 4 others

Jumbo Santa beta

Have you already signed up or used us on Facebook before?

All of your drawing history and past gift exchanges are still here. Just log in to access them.

Log In

Are you new to Jumbo Santa?

No problem, just sign up for a free account to get started.

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